Relevant Biblical Truth
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Meg's Blog

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September #jammed: Free Grace. Day 252: Can you hear it? “ If I speak the truth, why don’t you believe Me?” John 8:47 Raising kids can make us feel really smart on some days, and not so smart on others. Sometimes they look at us as if they really want to believe what we have to say …they really […]

The Audible Voice (#jammed daily devo, day 252)

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September #jammed: Free Grace. Day 252: Can you hear it? “ If I speak the truth, why don’t you believe Me?” John 8:47 Raising kids can make us feel really smart on some days, and not so smart on others. Sometimes they look at us as if they really want to believe what we have to say …they really […]

The Audible Voice (#jammed daily devo, day 252)

jammed daily devo