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Meg's Blog

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Failure to control my kids’ exposure scares me, and lending it’s parameters up to the One who’s wise to the legit limit is the only way I manage to keep the wall up. The waxing and waning of what I’m supposed to hold to and let go of perplexes my parental instincts. Many voices weigh […]

The Blue Table

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“Be merciful to those who doubt.” (NIV) Jude 1:22 “I quit.” With every Kindergarten foot-stomp, adult miscommunication, seven-year old sassy stare, and unnerved “NO!- That’s not something we tell the dog ‘NO’ for,” I holler down the hallways of my home, I yearn a little bit more for a vacation away from all of them […]

The Compassionate Quit (Book Review, “5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn’t Quit,” by Nicki Koziarz)

Christian Living