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Meg's Blog

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August #jammed: Reflecting on Grace. Day 228: The funny One. “ Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. ” Galatians 6:7 In the age where digital communication trumps verbal, we use emojis to show people how we feel. There are universal emojis that we all relate to. They break language barriers! Who would have thought? A smile is […]

The Jesus Emoticon (#jammed daily devo, day 228)

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August #jammed: Reflecting on Grace. Day 228: The funny One. “ Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. ” Galatians 6:7 In the age where digital communication trumps verbal, we use emojis to show people how we feel. There are universal emojis that we all relate to. They break language barriers! Who would have thought? A smile is […]

The Jesus Emoticon (#jammed daily devo, day 228)

jammed daily devo