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October #jammed: Free Grace. Day 297: Love is blinding. “May all who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength.” Judges 5:31 A pink slit in the sky announces the giant ball of fire about to pierce through the clouds. The show of colors that come before the morning sun is sometimes more beautiful that […]
August #jammed: Reflecting on Grace. Day 222: No shoes … no problem. “ Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33 (NLT) There are so many pairs of shoes in my house …yet every morning it’s the same routine. “Where are your shoes?!” My daughters never […]
August #jammed: Reflecting on Grace. Day 218: Purposed differently. “Even though no one (except Jesus) owns me, I have become a slave by my own free will to everyone in hopes that I would gather more believers.” 1Corinthians 9:19 (VOICE) In the North, we associate gloves with the cold weather …which may sometimes last from fall to summer …go away for a few weeks […]
Witness is woven into everyone’s life, but not all have a natural appreciation for their “place.” Clevelanders have taking a beating for decades. For the state of their city and “the curse” on their teams. I am them. “Against all odds… I don’t now why we want to take the hardest road… I don’t know why the […]
He will straighten our stride, in His time, when we lace up our “yes” shoes. It seems my daughter thinks her shoes will magically jump onto her feet if she stares at them long enough. When they don’t, her shoes fly over the foyer in frustration. And, oh …the agony …when a pair no longer […]
The biggest lesson I’ve learned while writing “Friends with Everyone” is to let go of fear and trust God’s purpose for my story.