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Meg's Blog

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April #jammed: Grace Studies. Day 120: Grow a fence. “Whoever tries to hide his sins will not succeed, but the one who confesses his sins and leaves them behind will find mercy.” Proverbs 28:13 The day my fence-line was planted is still a dark day in the Bucher house. I hate to admit how mad I was that day, as those tiny […]

The Fenceline (#jammed daily devo, day 120)

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April #jammed: Grace Studies. Day 120: Grow a fence. “Whoever tries to hide his sins will not succeed, but the one who confesses his sins and leaves them behind will find mercy.” Proverbs 28:13 The day my fence-line was planted is still a dark day in the Bucher house. I hate to admit how mad I was that day, as those tiny […]

The Fenceline (#jammed daily devo, day 120)

jammed daily devo