Relevant Biblical Truth
for everyday life

Meg's Blog

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November #jammed: Gracious. Day 331: Thankful for Brianne. “The Lord will hold you in His had- a splendid crown in the hand of God.” Isaiah 62:3 My first-born daughter will never know the gravity to which God grabbed my heart and threw it in another direction the minute I knew she was to be. It was as if […]

The First One (#jammed daily devo, day 331)

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November #jammed: Gracious. Day 329: Thankful for my church family. “Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God’s good news to one and all.” Mark 16:15 (MESSAGE) Sitting in the stiff wooden pew, I scanned the congregation to see if anyone else had a hat on. Sure enough …I spotted one other lady, about fifty […]

The Hat (#jammed daily devo, day 329)

jammed daily devo

November #jammed: Gracious. Day 328: Thankful for blogs. And when you are old, I will still be there, carrying you. When your limbs grow tired, your eyes are weak, And your hair a silvery gray, I will carry you as I always have. I will carry you and save you. Isaiah 46:4 It started out with funny stories. […]

The Funny Stories (#jammed daily devo, day 328)

jammed daily devo

November #jammed: Gracious. Day 327: Thankful for my view.    Have you forgotten Me, the One who made you and the whole world, who stretched out the skies and made sure the earth’s foundations? Yet you constantly worry about others—how they hate and might harm you. But their anger counts for nothing. Isaiah 51:3 Quiet mornings cuddled up to […]

November #jammed: Gracious. Day 325: Thankful for thrills.  I am the first.     And to the very last, I am the One. Isaiah 41:4 She walked up to the height measuring stick in full confidence that she had grown tall enough to ride. I glanced up at the giant steel roller coaster and imagined my kid falling out of […]

The Thrills (#jammed daily devo, day 325)

jammed daily devo

November #jammed: Gracious. Day 324: Thankful for my parents.  “Honor your father and your mother.” Exodus 20:12 “Guess what?” my dad said over the phone one afternoon… “You’re moving again?” I guessed. Today’s verse has been lodged in a part of my brain since before I can even remember. My Catholic school upbringing made sure that The Ten […]

The Manatees (#jammed daily devo, day 324)

jammed daily devo

November #jammed: Gracious. Day 323: Thankful for the 3 Musketeers The Lord your God is with you. Zephaniah 3:17a “I get the window seat first, and then you can have it on the way home,” my youngest daughter informed her older sister. Ready to give up our annual Florida trip on account of my husbands injury, I trudged through […]

November #jammed: Gracious. Day 322: Thankful for knowledge. Clever people go after knowledge to obtain it,     and wise people attune their ears to hear it. Proverbs 18:15 Already tempted to imagine what my daughters’ college choices should look like, and becoming dangerously obsessed over their elementary education at times, I need to be  reminded of how unqualified I am […]

The Education (#jammed daily devo, day 322)

jammed daily devo