Relevant Biblical Truth
for everyday life

Meg's Blog

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November #jammed: Gracious. Day 310: Thankful for memories … “ So let’s get this clear: it’s for My own sake that I save you. I am He who wipes the slate clean and erases your wrongdoing. I will not call to mind your sins anymore.” Isaiah 43:25 (VOICE) I’m continually eluded by the iCloud. Each new device comes with […]

The Full Cloud (#jammed daily devo, day 310)

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November #jammed: Gracious. Day 308: The dot-dot-dot … “They have abandoned me—     the fountain of living water.” Jeremiah 2:13 The ellipsis is my favorite mark of punctuation. It leaves room for God to work in the gaps between my words and a reader’s eyes. And like that. I like the thought of giving Him the last word …or […]

The Ellipsis (#jammed daily devo, day 308)

jammed daily devo

November #jammed: Gracious. Day 307: Thankful to Stay. “For you are the fountain of life,     the light by which we see.” Psalm 36:9 Loads and loads and loads of laundry. There are weeks that I choose buy more underwear for everyone instead of facing the state of the laundry room. Today’s verse can help us find life and […]

The Laundry (#jammed daily devo, day 307)

jammed daily devo

November #jammed: Gracious. Day 306: Thankful for Dreams. “He reveals deep and hidden things;     he knows what lies in darkness,     and light dwells with him.” -Daniel 2:22 “Merci….thank you.”  “Bonjour …hello!” Repeating after that voice as I wait in the after-school pick up line fuels a dream I’ve been harboring for decades. My daughters now hold a stake in […]

October #jammed: Free Grace. Day 304: We need to laugh a little… “Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.” Pslam 55:22 My little roller skating unicorn tells us everything we need to know about this verse, today. When we seek Christ and walk with […]

The Roller Skating Unicorn (#jammed daily devo, day 304.)

jammed daily devo

October #jammed: Free Grace. Day 303: Beyond what we can earn. ““Be still, and know that I am God!     I will be honored by every nation.     I will be honored throughout the world.” Psalm 46:10  What’s that doing in here? I though it was lost. Hadn’t been able to find it in years. In the dusty depths of […]

The Big Letter (#jammed daily devo, day 303)

jammed daily devo

October #jammed: Free Grace. Day 302: Equally stretched. “I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?” Psalm 56:11 “Hand me another spring!” “OK, mom!” That day’s adventure was setting up the trampoline, a task we weren’t sure we would be able to do without my husband …but we thought we’d give it a girl power try. […]

October #jammed: Free Grace. Day 301: Take account. ” Fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you.” 2 Timothy 1:6 Breath, is a musical term that means to stop and take a breath. When playing with other musicians, taking a breath at the same time is crucial to the flow of the song, so it’s written […]

The Stop (#jammed daily devo, day 301)

jammed daily devo