Relevant Biblical Truth
for everyday life

Meg's Blog

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October #jammed: Free Grace. Day 300: No name necessary. “ We carefully put limits on our boasting and avoid taking credit for what others do. But we do hope to see your faith grow so that we can watch our mission really expand all the way to the limits God has set for us.” 2 Corinthians 10:15 There are […]

The Unnamed (#jammed daily devo, day 300)

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October #jammed: Free Grace. Day 298: Winning. “Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”                   1 Corinthians 15:57 Even those of us who have never felt the tape break on our chests get to celebrate the greatest victory of all time. The race-ending […]

The Victory (#jammed daily devo, day 298)

jammed daily devo

October #jammed: Free Grace. Day 297: Love is blinding. “May all who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength.” Judges 5:31 A pink slit in the sky announces the giant ball of fire about to pierce through the clouds. The show of colors that come before the morning sun is sometimes more beautiful that […]

The Strengthening Sun (#jammed daily devo, day 297)

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October #jammed: Free Grace. Day 296: Old fashioned highlight reels. ““You who ride on white donkeys, sitting on your saddle blankets, and you who walk along the road, consider the voice of the singers at the watering places. They recite the victories of the Lord, the victories of his villagers in Israel.’” Judges 5:10-11 Scrolling through the latest edition of smiles and happy sentiments […]

September #jammed: Free Grace. Day 272: Filled to the brim with grace overflowing. “Stay awake.” Matthew 25:13 My morning cup of coffee ushered in the new day.  Awake and alert to read from the Life that God left us to ingest, His presence fills my soul to the brim.  Today’s Scripture warns us to stay awake at the end of […]

The Full Brim (#jammed daily devo, day 272)

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September #jammed: Free Grace. Day 271: The Expression of our Creator. “Encourage your generosity.” 2 Corinthians 9:6 No-one wants to talk about the reality of starvation in the world.  But there are people starving and suffering at the hand of injustice and unfairness. People that God loves just as much as you and me. The Bible tells us […]

The Creative Expression (#jammed daily devo, day 271)

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September #jammed: Free Grace. Day 270: Slower speed receives fast. “Jesus repeatedly left the crowds, though, stealing away into the wilderness to pray.” Luke 5:16 Breathe in ….. Breath out …. Desparate to create a little more space for my little rib-kicker, I listened intently to the instructor’s lesson on breathing. Though a natural phenomenon we don’t have […]

September #jammed: Free Grace. Day 269: Beads up and rolls off. “Let someone else praise you…” Proverbs 27:2 Spread out across the driveway, we scrubbed and sealed and patched the long piece of snap-adorned fabric to ready it for the season. Boat canvas. A high-maintenance cover to protect it’s high maintenance counterpart. Every boater knows that all of […]

The Canvas (#jammed daily devo, day 269)

jammed daily devo