Christian Living

The Fear Fight.

December 27, 2016

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

Tears quickly collected in the brim of my girl’s eyes as disappointment sunk into her heart. Whether eight or eighty-eight, the sting of discouragement stinks.

“If you feel you should be included, ask …” I encouraged, and handed her my phone.

It’s the tiny bits of fear that need to be squashed before they have a chance to take root and destroy a dream. We prayed over my tiny dancer before she got out of the car, and when she skipped back happily with a piece of her heart restored, I knew the work God was doing in me had more than one purpose.


The agonous worries that shake us awake in the middle of the night are meek to those that snatch joy. Jesus grants peace. Fear hunts it down in attempt to convince us we were unworthy of it in the first place …in the hope that we’ll simply forget that we have nothing to worry about. Fear teases us with the solitude of control. It beckons us to keep up appearances and disassociations.

Fear will fill and hijack life, unless pulled up close enough to kick out. “Fear Fighting” is a powerful punch in fear’s face.

Search. Ask. Listen

“How do we renew in a way that we can really start to think differently?” Kelly Balarie, “Fear Fighting”

One year ago I picked the word “resolve” to bring my goals for the new year into fruition. I prayed into that word and it held on by the tiniest thread as fear tried to shut every opening door. The thread didn’t snap, but my grace cracked. The “Fear Fighting” journey has illuminated my dire need for it’s restoration.

Calm, stately, pulled together grace.

“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” 1 Thes. 5:28

Jesus grace. Un-threatenable …humble grace.

Fear no longer has the power to unglue my wits end over end. Resolve capped that off by pushing me through this book.



“When I avoid my own conclusion, I often find God’s.” Kelly Balarie, “Fear Fighting”

Fear wants us to circle our dreams like a vulture waiting for it to get hit by a car and die, relieving us from chasing after it’s assured “road-kill” ending. The bigger the dream, the stronger fear grips. Satan doesn’t play fair, he injects fear …hoping we’ll become addicted to a pain numbing consolation prize.

Get armed.

The Bible warns us we’ll be harassed. “Fear Fighting” provides an applicable solution to flicking fear out of our daily lives.

Forgo.Ignite. Give. Help. Treasure.

Grow Prayers


Insecurity …quitting …overcommitting …comparison. Issues make us plainly aware of our earthly deficiency. But fear drives them all.

“What you hand over will be handed back to you tenfold, greater than your wants and according to your heart’s desires.” Kelly Balarie, “Fear Fighting.”

Each everyday worry written out in prayer and tossed into a vase released the pressure point of a struggle …a less-than  …a not-good-enough. A simple activity from a heart full of fright-empathy ushered little pieces of freedom and simplistic joy back into my heart like a warm wave of salty sea air. Fourteen things I worry about everyday. The vase was filled. I was glad to be interrupted by my six-year old to paint her “other hand’s nails.” 

That’s the eye-opening power of derailing fear. It stops in it’s tracks …and leaves.

“God takes the weaklings, the ones who think they are bottom feeders, and nourishes His sheep.” Kelly Balarie, “Fear Fighting.”

This book is a #lifechanger, freeing kidnapped corners of fear-fighting souls in each pair of hands that hold it.

Father, Praise You for Kelly, and her Spirit inspired message. You are powerful to reach into hearts that need healing through the simple pages of a book. Thank You for knowing the spaces that need to be cleared of fear, and loving us regardless. We confess our worry and fear, and lift it up to Your capable hands. Bless our hearts with courage, and bless this book to  hearts that long to be freed. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Happy Fear-Fighting,



kellypicI highly recommend “Fear Fighting,” to anyone who struggles with anxiety, insecurity, and control. It’s a #lifechanger. Stand up and fight back, with Kelly Balarie’s relatable struggle and Spirit filled conquering of her own battle with fear.

Kelly, a heartfelt thanks to you for your faithfulness to write this book. It set the small, everyday courses of my life, on His track. Praise for you. Catch Kelly on her blog,, and be encouraged!


Click here to buy the book.

(Just a friendly promo for a book I believe will change your life. No affiliate kickbacks, here.)

Friends! if you enjoyed this post, would you consider blessing me by  writing ‘3’ in the comments to vote for it? Many thanks, and remember …sharing is caring! I love you all! -Megs


If you’re a fellow writer, click the above images and join us in the Fear Fighting Writer’s Contest! Let’s fight fear together, and cheer each other on! Woot! Woot! 

This post may be linked up with the following amazing writer’s:

Mondays…Mommy Moments Modest MondayOpen Mic MondaySoul SurvivalHomemaking MondaysGood Morning MondaysMake Your Home SingInspire Me Monday Motivation Monday Motivational MondayOver the Moon, Thank Goodness it’s Monday Inspire Me Monday

Tuesdays…#RaRaLinkUpTestimony Tuesday , Tuesday Talk God Sized DreamsTell Me a True Story, Together on Tuesdays, Create Link Inspire Party, Let’s be Friends Blog Hop, Totally Terrific Tuesday,  Turn in Up Tuesday,   Twinkly Tuesday,

Wednesdays…#TellHisStory, OhMyHeartsieGirlsCoffee for Your HeartFrom Messes to MessagesWordless WednesdayAmanda’s Books and More LinkyCoffee and Conversation,Wow Me Wednesday,Wine’d Down Wednesday,

Thursdays…Thought Provoking ThursdayLive Free ThursdaySincerely, PaulaHeart Encouragement Think Tank Thursday, 

Fridays…Faith Filled FridayDance with Jesus, Friendship Friday, High Five for Friday, 

Saturdays… Saturday Sparks, Dare to Share, Our Mini Linky PartySaturday Sharefest

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  1. Lindsay rice says:

    Fear lives inside of us all, but it’s people like you that help us out of our insecurities and fears…. with your encouraging blogs or little notes in my front porch

  2. rochelleb123 says:

    I know there’s a spiritual battle going on right now for my soul…and daily fear is a part of that fight. Satan wants me to be full of fear and anxiety and cripple myself to the point of no return. Thank you for sharing this book–it sounds like something needed right now! Blessings to you!

    • Megs says:

      Bless you for your encouragement, and I truly believe fear attempts to thwart all adventure, great and small. I pray Kelly’s words inspire people to fight it back. Happy Thursday!

  3. Mary Santora says:


  4. Misty Weisenberger says:

    Meg always captivates me with her words. Every sentence either spoken or written by Meg fully describes in one sentence alone and hits home! The topics you choose to discuss are always something that I can relate to and apply in my own life. You are inspiring and I am proud to be your friend sweet Meg!❤

    Thank you for touching on this scary avoided topic – Fear. It’s within each one of us and it’s learning to cope and showing our children to push thru fear so they can also teach their children someday how to cope and push thru too.

    Thank you for your beautiful writing Meg.


    • Megs says:

      Misty, I’m so blessed by and cherish you as one of my besties! Thank you for always supporting me and taking the time to encourage me. It gives me strength to soldier on in literary purpose! Love you so much! Fight fear! Woot! Woot!

      • Misty Weisenberger says:

        I am honored to be one of your besties

        You are genuinely a true dear friend who I greatly appreciate and admire beyond words.

        Keep writing! I enjoy reading❤

  5. Hazel Moon says:

    Fear has torment and worry only wears a person out and does not change the outcome. God gives peace in a storm, and asks us to cast our burden on Him because He cares for us. Yes, we all have troubles, but Jesus has promised to be with us no matter what is dealt to us in life. Even in a time of stress, learn to sing and praise Jesus and fear will lift and you will begin to rejoice in what He has done for you. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.

  6. robjodiefilogomo says:

    3! I do think we fear too much, and it’s amazing how it can hold us back! We need these reminders that not everything is in our hands!

    • Megs says:

      Amen! We live in a world full of fears, and are consumed in media that compares our every move. It’s hard not to fear …but thank goodness for our great God who we can lift them up to! Happy Thursday!

  7. So blessed by this for SOOO many reasons! As an anxiety sufferer myself, it sometimes takes an army to feel like God is on my side… but this was PERFECT! Thanks for sharing!!

    • Megs says:

      Nicole! What a blessing your words are! And how amazing God is to reach out to you through this space. Humbled! Thank you for visiting. And prayers for your anxiety, sweet girl!

  8. mbethany says:

    You pulled out some of the BEST quotes. There were so many to save- I know I’m going to be going back through the book to copy more down. Thanks for sharing this, Meg, and highlighting so much of the precious truth about who our Lord is and how we can surrender fearlessly to His Will and Way!!

    • Megs says:

      Many thanks and blessings to you, friend! I believe God has His hand in everything, and love the way he grows my souls through faithful writers like Kelly! Happy Thursday!!

  9. Anita Ojeda says:

    I loved the book, too :). I especially love the idea of becomeing a sisterhood that holds each other up instead of criticizing the life out of each other!

  10. Katherine Alm says:


  11. Dawn Boyer says:

    What an inspiring reminder to choose to fight in all things, to direct our thoughts and our actions to be ready and willing to combat the arrows of defeat the enemy flings our way. Kelly’s book is truly an encouragement and I agree with you in prayer that through her words, and bloggers and friends who share them, He would be given entrance and fear would be escorted right out the door.

    • Megs says:

      Thank you so much, Dawn! Rich truth! Doesn’t feel like there will be a lot of people set free from fear this year? It will never leave completely, but I feel like I’m equipped to shit it up! Happy Friday!

  12. Lisa Ehrman says:

    This book sounds exciting! Fear and worry are certainly my enemies. I really appreciate you sharing this great post with us at Together on Tuesdays!

  13. Sounds like a great book. Thank you for sharing, Meg. Blessings to you in 2017!