Christian Living

The Push

May 24, 2016

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

The school year is over, and I’m predictably about to cry at any given moment. Guilty of over-celebrating every moment of my daughter’s lives, they wake up on the last day of school to ballooned rooms and streamers decking out the doorway.

The Push 1

The only way I’ve found get through the annual commencement on to the next grade level is by preparing to crumble under emotional pressure. As a mom, I want to know that I’ve given them all of the opportunities they need to accomplish the dreams they don’t even realize they have yet. Helping children find their niche is a hard part of life to put a pulse on. It’s not a lot of pressure, really, just a ton and a half … and that can induce a tad bit of parental competitiveness, to say the least. To stay on the encouraging side of the word push, I’m learning to let go … and pray …a lot. 


Push- an act of exerting force on someone or something in order to move them away from oneself. -Google

I didn’t think being competitive was a bad thing, until I realized how often I fail to shut it off at the appropriate time. My little girl used to love playing her ukulele. #competitivefail. My littlest refuses to even line up and race anyone at anything for fear of losing …#uh-oh #competitive.

To encourage my kids without discouraging them seems impossible to me, because I’m not sure how to function on that level. The fact that I fall short in so many ways magnifies mid-mind, and reflects poorly on my parenting if I’m not privy to flip the switch.

I run the risk of seriously mismanaging my mothering by allowing the tornado of competitive thought to push on my parenting decisions.  I let it whir and woo me, suddenly convinced that I’m clueless and dysfunctional. The snap of the comparison trap yaps loudly in my ears, as I look at other people’s lives through an unfocused lens.

“I was pushed back and about to fall, but the Lord helped me.” Psalm 118:13

When I’m being pushed away from who I am, the great “I Am”  braces me from complete crumbling.  The One qualified to guide lives with care is He who created each and every individual one with love and purpose. Jesus, who walked to the cross, waits to wipe the heavy and helpless tears.

Encouragement is found in the push to pray. 

The Push 2

2. Reach

Reach-stretch out an arm in a specified direction in order to touch or grasp something. -Google

“Mom,” my eight year old laughed from the backseat, “you’re always happy.”

The highway lines blurred with fresh tears.

“Mom,” she whispered in my ear as she gave me zero personal space during a meeting she tagged along to, “you’re good at being silly…”

Wow. I didn’t feel silly. I didn’t feel happy.  After the waterfall of emotions that had enveloped my week, I hardly felt like good company …let alone a good mom.

God reached out to me through the most important call He has put on my life to speak:

“You’re OK.”

“It’s OK.”

“I love you.”

“For he had healed many, so that those with diseases were pushing forward to touch him.” Mark 3:10

I remember pushing and sneakily squeezing by people to get closer to the stage at a Kenny Chesney concert.  Did I think he would spot me in the crowd and we’d be best friends from that day on? It was a ridiculous case of “star struck.”

Those first believers in Christ pushed through that crowd. These people who pushed for Jesus knew EXACTLY what could happen if they touched him. Diseases were being healed, demons chased out of spirits. This wasn’t just some singer in a cowboy hat on stage, this was God walking among them!!!! If we push through this world’s agony with faith of that magnitude, we will heal.

As I imagine the crowd pushing towards Jesus, I remember what it felt like to be tossed around in a concert mosh pit in my twenties.   The force of a determined crowd can be fierce.

When my tiny distance-runner frame got knocked to the ground in that pit, I was scared to death of being trampled on. Instead, I looked up to a hand reaching out to pull me right back up again. There is peace in the push, but we have to reach for it. Keep pushing in prayer, reaching for His hand, and pressing through the crowd.

Over the panic that she can’t do a cart-wheel yet when everyone else can. When she looks back at me to see my reaction…

“You’re OK. It’s OK. I love you.”The Push 3

When she gets stuck on a word as she’s learning to read, and a wave of frustration takes over her beautiful face …the all too recognizable, “I’ll just never get this right,” tears…

“You’re OK. It’s OK. I love you.”

Encouragement is found in the push to pray. He is right there. Already knowing, and ready to embrace me in my frustration of simply being human. Jesus, in His perfect way …says,

“You’re OK. It’s OK. I love you. Reach…”

It’s easy to confuse the alienation of this world with feeling hopeless and alone. Jesus allows us the opposite privilege. Let go, and let Him. #neveralone

Happy Summer!






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  1. Kelly S says:

    Great encouragement as we wrap up another school year and head right into the summer. My eldest shrinks back from competition. I don’t know when it happened, but I am considering the push and ways to encourage her. Visiting from #intentionaltuesday.

    • Megs says:

      Kelly, isn’t it amazing how different they all are. Motherhood is truly challenging. Pray, pray, pray! Happy Tuesday!

  2. Kelly S says:

    Great encouragement as we wrap up another school year and head right into the summer. My eldest shrinks back from competition. I don’t know when it happened, but I am considering the push and ways to encourage her. Visiting from #intentionaltuesday.

    • Megs says:

      Kelly, isn’t it amazing how different they all are. Motherhood is truly challenging. Pray, pray, pray! Happy Tuesday!

  3. bcb0 says:

    What a sweet celebration for your kiddos. 🙂 I’m very ready for the last day of school, and it’s truly the last day for my middle son, as he graduates this year. I hope my children will look back and see the good things too, the things I didn’t even know I was displaying. Thankful with you that God is always there, eager to help and remind. He’s the best. 🙂 ((grace upon grace))

    • Megs says:

      Yes, tons of grace! Congrats on your son’s graduation! Pass on your wisdom to mom’s with young ones, like me …I always appreciate it so much when a seasoned momma takes the time to help guide me. Happy Tuesday!!!

  4. Anna Smit says:

    So beautiful, Megs. I’ve taken a break from Facebook and Twitter…heading back tomorrow after ten days away…and so this especially spoke to me: “When I’m being pushed away from who I am, the great “I Am” braces me from complete crumbling.” That is exactly what He’s done in encouraging me to withdraw into His quietening embrace…and it’s there I’ve found great joy in the quietness of home and family…without the loud of social media. I didn’t realize just how big of an impact it was all having on my self-confidence and on my devotion to my family first.

    I’ve just finished reading through Jeremiah and I’m repeatedly reminded of the trap of idol worship. Comparing myself to others is my idol trap: I look at others and feel unworthy and strange…but instead of turning back to God, I keep looking…and crumble some more. And yet, you’re so very right: we are called to push forward, to press ourselves into His arms through the loud around us. Our job is only to seek after and behold our Savior in all we do…it is not to be perfect, to do everything right…but to press and lean into the One who IS perfect and can help us learn to walk in the Truth of His Word in all we do, wrapped in His grace through the falling and getting back up again.

    • Megs says:

      Anna, I’m so glad He rested and restored your spirit, sweet friend! It’s impossible not to compare without His help. You are not alone in how you feel about social media! It gets to me some days, too! But we must press on in the name of Jesus…and keep spreading His good news as the source of our joy. Much love and smiles! Happy Tuesday!

  5. Anna Smit says:

    So beautiful, Megs. I’ve taken a break from Facebook and Twitter…heading back tomorrow after ten days away…and so this especially spoke to me: “When I’m being pushed away from who I am, the great “I Am” braces me from complete crumbling.” That is exactly what He’s done in encouraging me to withdraw into His quietening embrace…and it’s there I’ve found great joy in the quietness of home and family…without the loud of social media. I didn’t realize just how big of an impact it was all having on my self-confidence and on my devotion to my family first.

    I’ve just finished reading through Jeremiah and I’m repeatedly reminded of the trap of idol worship. Comparing myself to others is my idol trap: I look at others and feel unworthy and strange…but instead of turning back to God, I keep looking…and crumble some more. And yet, you’re so very right: we are called to push forward, to press ourselves into His arms through the loud around us. Our job is only to seek after and behold our Savior in all we do…it is not to be perfect, to do everything right…but to press and lean into the One who IS perfect and can help us learn to walk in the Truth of His Word in all we do, wrapped in His grace through the falling and getting back up again.

    • Megs says:

      Anna, I’m so glad He rested and restored your spirit, sweet friend! It’s impossible not to compare without His help. You are not alone in how you feel about social media! It gets to me some days, too! But we must press on in the name of Jesus…and keep spreading His good news as the source of our joy. Much love and smiles! Happy Tuesday!

  6. Happy Summer! I remember when my own girlie was little and how we would also celebrate the last day of school and ring in the beauty and rest of summer days! So from the talk of celebrating with your kids to the push to pray… well, I just see kindred all over this post!

    • Megs says:

      Thanks, Karrilee! It all flies by so fast! Every year, I watch mom’s in our small little town hug their babies good-bye as they graduate from high school and move on… and I just know my moment to do the same will be here before I’m ready. Cherishing every moment. Happy Tuesday!!

  7. Love the reminder that we’re never alone, Megs. But let the things that push us down push us to pray – Great truth to hold onto. Happy summer blessings, friend. : )

  8. Love the reminder that we’re never alone, Megs. But let the things that push us down push us to pray – Great truth to hold onto. Happy summer blessings, friend. : )

  9. I love all these active verbs. They remind me of the words of Paul to keep striving, keep running in the race of faith!

  10. I love all these active verbs. They remind me of the words of Paul to keep striving, keep running in the race of faith!

  11. Becky says:

    Oh, I know this pressure so well. This mom pressure of wanting to make sure we give our kids everything they could possibly need. This isn’t a struggle for me on the belongings front, but man, oh, man….when it comes to opportunities and environments and the real personality shaping stuff….that’s hard.
    A preschool teacher once told me that everything my child does (or doesn’t do) is not a reflection of me as a mom. This stuck with me because I was taking everything about my 3 littles on myself. I forgot that they are really not mine. They are their own individuals who belong to God. I’m just here as support staff (lol). I can get some things wrong because He’s going to get it all right.
    So glad I visited today from Coffee for Your Heart!

  12. Becky says:

    Oh, I know this pressure so well. This mom pressure of wanting to make sure we give our kids everything they could possibly need. This isn’t a struggle for me on the belongings front, but man, oh, man….when it comes to opportunities and environments and the real personality shaping stuff….that’s hard.
    A preschool teacher once told me that everything my child does (or doesn’t do) is not a reflection of me as a mom. This stuck with me because I was taking everything about my 3 littles on myself. I forgot that they are really not mine. They are their own individuals who belong to God. I’m just here as support staff (lol). I can get some things wrong because He’s going to get it all right.
    So glad I visited today from Coffee for Your Heart!

  13. sarahgirl3 says:

    Our last day was yesterday, and I so know the pressure and the push. Thanks for the encouragement!

    • Megs says:

      Happy to pass on God’s encouragement to me… Thank you for taking the time to stop by! Happy Thursday… And Happy Summer!!!!!!

  14. sarahgirl3 says:

    Our last day was yesterday, and I so know the pressure and the push. Thanks for the encouragement!

    • Megs says:

      Happy to pass on God’s encouragement to me… Thank you for taking the time to stop by! Happy Thursday… And Happy Summer!!!!!!