
The Last Day

June 9, 2016

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg


The product of my rushed suburban childhood is arm-in-arm in that sandy crop of kids, traditionally appreciating the last day of school in their little lake town …where the busiest road has a 35 mph speed limit, and we can count the number of stop lights on one hand. “Rush” is absent from their vocabulary.

PERFECTTraditions can bloom dreams if we allow them to align our intentions with His design. The small lake town I live in has taught me to treasure tradition. In your town, on the farm, amidst a metropolis, or in your move; here are some benefits I’ve uncovered in establishing a little tradition.



foundation- the basis or groundwork for anything…the natural or prepared ground on which some structure exists. (

Learning to leave God in our dreams takes faith tough enough to trust that His view of them will undoubtably differ from our expectations a lot of the time. If we learn to look up before we dream out; the surrounding blessings, people, and places in life begin to reveal parts of His purpose. Tradition rooted in Christ yields a stable foundation to dream upon.

“You are being built on a solid foundation: the message of the prophets and the pieces of God’s chosen emissaries with Jesus, the Anointed Himself, the precious cornerstone.” Ephesians 2:20


Paul reminded the church at Ephesus to embrace the foundation that Jesus laid at the foot of the cross.  We would be wise to do the same. When our dream is drifting with the Creator’s current, living it each day spreads the virtuous kindness and joy of Jesus.

2. Resilience 

“Take a close look at everything, test it, then cling to what is good.” 1 Thes. 5:21

I had all intentions of moving by the water to be out on the water, but God threw out the anchor… and beached my boat.  And as I peeled back the layers of blessing from the shoreline, I’m so glad he didn’t let me rush past it all. Changing the direction of our lives is never easy, but layered in the learning are blessings that follow an obedient heart. “Clinging” to those blessings, to who He is, shapes a resilient heart.

resilience the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape.- Google

The pre-school years flew by, and the “Last Day” tradition that started with four moms is still growing … each year new friendships form and new laughs are logged. We pray for each other, help each other, laugh, cry and load up on a bus to celebrate milestones together… stand arm-in-arm together.



3. Confidence

“So, brothers and sisters, all you need to do now is stand firm and hold tight to the line of teachings we have passed on to you, whether in person or in a letter.” 2 Thes 2:15

Paul wrote this letter to clarify some traditions that had been muddled in translation. Can you imagine passing things down accurately without the Internet?

I’ve been privy to witness, that the tradition of excellence my town, has more to do than just the happy disposition that often follows suit with living on the shoreline of one of the world’s Great Lakes. The tale of each home-town Tiger begins with tradition.

From the first day they high-five the elementary-school principal down hallways decked with yellow smiles, they are brought up to believe they can find their best and bring it out in others. The entire town cheers them on until they show up dressed in white to lookout from that shoreline together one last time …arm-in-arm. I’ve watched my daughters watch those beautiful graduates, confident they can conquer anything because they’ve been raised to believe that they will.

Confident, bright, and beautiful blooms are the result of roots. Spectacular moments of growth don’t last forever, but roots remain to break through the soil once again.

PERFECT copyChristians are confident in the joy Jesus. From the very first time we high-five Him as we’re dunked under the water, or whisper a prayer…His truth allows us to bloom beautifully along life’s bumpy road. Like the graduates confident they can conquer the world, He stands with us, arm-in-arm, in a victory that’s already been won.


“I must say how pleased I am to hear that you remember me in everything and continue to hold on to the traditions I have passed on to you.” 1 Corinthians 11:2

Paul wrote this letter to the believers at Corinth as they were torn by spiritual immaturity in attempting to uphold tradition.

Triumph is synonymous for “coming back.”


The “Last Day” tradition isn’t always a smoothly executed plan, but we all keep coming back. Tradition gives us a space to embrace our place on this earth.

Sometimes the frustration in having to be still is God whispering that you’re already here. Perhaps the purpose of my dream to live by the lake was simply to slow down and embrace tradition all along. That’s all God asks of us …keep coming back. Keep the tradition of meeting with Him everyday …of looking for Him in everything we experience. Those are strong roots, a stable foundation, a resilient reliance, and a triumphant destination.

Happy Summer!!!

Go Tigers!



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  1. I love reading about traditions, and this one has so much bedrock to it. Thanks for the insightful applications.

  2. I love reading about traditions, and this one has so much bedrock to it. Thanks for the insightful applications.

  3. lynnjsimpson says:

    Happy summer back to you! I dreamed of living on acres of land with a river running through it, as I also grew up on the edge of one of our Great Lakes, in a town full of creeks. But instead am in a townhouse in the suburbs! So the line ” Perhaps the purpose of my dream to live by the lake was simply to slow down and embrace tradition all along. That’s all God asks of us …keep coming back” resonates with me. Maybe there is still a purpose for this dream, but in this time is to stay ‘confident in the joy of Jesus.’

    • Megs says:

      Yes! Hold on to your dream! But be open to God’s interpretation of it… You never know what kind of glorious doings He’s up to, but we do know who He is, and that He loves us so much. Happy Thursday!!!!

  4. lynnjsimpson says:

    Happy summer back to you! I dreamed of living on acres of land with a river running through it, as I also grew up on the edge of one of our Great Lakes, in a town full of creeks. But instead am in a townhouse in the suburbs! So the line ” Perhaps the purpose of my dream to live by the lake was simply to slow down and embrace tradition all along. That’s all God asks of us …keep coming back” resonates with me. Maybe there is still a purpose for this dream, but in this time is to stay ‘confident in the joy of Jesus.’

    • Megs says:

      Yes! Hold on to your dream! But be open to God’s interpretation of it… You never know what kind of glorious doings He’s up to, but we do know who He is, and that He loves us so much. Happy Thursday!!!!

  5. Dee White says:

    I had longed to live in that beautiful lakeside town of Huron since driving through on my way to our new home in Bellevue, in May of 1979 with my little girl, 5 year old Misty and carrying my now 36 year old son, Kenny in my womb. Their dad would meet us later as he was transferring railroads, (ironic that Misty would one day be employed at the same railroad). Over the years I would find many reasons to go back to Huron. I took the kids to Play on the beach at Nickelplate and also at the end of Ohio St was a beautiful park/playground atop a small hill above a beautiful slice of Lake Erie beach. I went to that last beach/park with a 9 year old Misty and 3 year old Kenny to study on the bench at the top of that hill while the kids played. I was studying for my nursing license at the age of 30. Over the years I would find reasons to re-visit the beaches of Huron and eventually lived there for about 5 years during the week and many weekends. I’m currently waiting for a final move to my permanent house maybe even on the waters edge because I’m still dreaming of that little town I fell in love with. So happy that my little Grandaughter Milly is in that group of kids pic on the lake. Those are her friends from school and the neighborhood there in Huron where her mom and dad live you may know them by Misty and Erick. Nana Dee

    • Megs says:

      Thank you for your sweet sentiments and sharing your story! We are truly blessed to call them friends. ❤️☀️☺️

  6. Dee White says:

    I had longed to live in that beautiful lakeside town of Huron since driving through on my way to our new home in Bellevue, in May of 1979 with my little girl, 5 year old Misty and carrying my now 36 year old son, Kenny in my womb. Their dad would meet us later as he was transferring railroads, (ironic that Misty would one day be employed at the same railroad). Over the years I would find many reasons to go back to Huron. I took the kids to Play on the beach at Nickelplate and also at the end of Ohio St was a beautiful park/playground atop a small hill above a beautiful slice of Lake Erie beach. I went to that last beach/park with a 9 year old Misty and 3 year old Kenny to study on the bench at the top of that hill while the kids played. I was studying for my nursing license at the age of 30. Over the years I would find reasons to re-visit the beaches of Huron and eventually lived there for about 5 years during the week and many weekends. I’m currently waiting for a final move to my permanent house maybe even on the waters edge because I’m still dreaming of that little town I fell in love with. So happy that my little Grandaughter Milly is in that group of kids pic on the lake. Those are her friends from school and the neighborhood there in Huron where her mom and dad live you may know them by Misty and Erick. Nana Dee

  7. Karen says:

    I’m all about traditions in our family. I just started a Memorial Day one a couple years ago. I pick out a scripture for each of my kids, write the chapter and verse location on a smooth stone with a silver sharpie with the date and “remember” written on the other side. after a few years, they will have stack of “memorial stones” to hang onto. Not a big deal, but a new twist for Memorial Day.
    I always tell my kids to hang onto their heritage, because it’s hard to know where you’re going, if you don’t know where you came from. Thanks for tying this great idea to the scripture so nicely. Blessings to you!

  8. Karen says:

    I’m all about traditions in our family. I just started a Memorial Day one a couple years ago. I pick out a scripture for each of my kids, write the chapter and verse location on a smooth stone with a silver sharpie with the date and “remember” written on the other side. after a few years, they will have stack of “memorial stones” to hang onto. Not a big deal, but a new twist for Memorial Day.
    I always tell my kids to hang onto their heritage, because it’s hard to know where you’re going, if you don’t know where you came from. Thanks for tying this great idea to the scripture so nicely. Blessings to you!

  9. Kristi Woods says:

    Happy summer to you as well, Megs! I grew up in a small community. It continues to hold a special spot in my heart. Your kids have a treasure in that small beach community. My kids, on the other hand, have had to learn to move and shake with a transient lifestyle. Sometimes I mourn that simple feet-situated lifestyle for them, but then I look up and remember that we’re following God’s plan and He’s got it. You’re wise to treasure those memories and their offering, whether it’s beachfront or in the water. Again ~ happy summer. Grace & peace in Christ, friend.

    • Megs says:

      Thank you You are right to cherish God’s plan for your life! I love watching the bond of adventure that families who move around a lot have. Tradition can be embraced even in constant change! Happy Tuesday!

  10. Kristi Woods says:

    Happy summer to you as well, Megs! I grew up in a small community. It continues to hold a special spot in my heart. Your kids have a treasure in that small beach community. My kids, on the other hand, have had to learn to move and shake with a transient lifestyle. Sometimes I mourn that simple feet-situated lifestyle for them, but then I look up and remember that we’re following God’s plan and He’s got it. You’re wise to treasure those memories and their offering, whether it’s beachfront or in the water. Again ~ happy summer. Grace & peace in Christ, friend.

    • Megs says:

      Thank you You are right to cherish God’s plan for your life! I love watching the bond of adventure that families who move around a lot have. Tradition can be embraced even in constant change! Happy Tuesday!

  11. I love that you are high-lighting tradition. They will forever be the benchmarks of my life. Thanks for the post!

  12. I love that you are high-lighting tradition. They will forever be the benchmarks of my life. Thanks for the post!

  13. Such a sweet post, Megs – I just love the tradition and sentimentality knit through it. “Learning to leave God in our dreams takes faith tough enough to trust that His view of them will undoubtably differ from our expectations.” Such truth. Believing that in His hands different is always better. Sweet summer to you, my friend.

    • Megs says:

      Yes, that tradition can manifest so many different forms is truly part of His magic. Thank you, Tiffany, for your kind words! And Happy Summer to you, too!

  14. Such a sweet post, Megs – I just love the tradition and sentimentality knit through it. “Learning to leave God in our dreams takes faith tough enough to trust that His view of them will undoubtably differ from our expectations.” Such truth. Believing that in His hands different is always better. Sweet summer to you, my friend.

    • Megs says:

      Yes, that tradition can manifest so many different forms is truly part of His magic. Thank you, Tiffany, for your kind words! And Happy Summer to you, too!

  15. nicaudp says:

    Traditions and the beach… two of my favorite things!! I love that you have a tradition for the end of each year! It’s a time to make memories that last a lifetime. My husband and I have little traditions we do with our kids that we hope they will carry on to their kids. There’s something special about carrying things on to the next generation. Love this topic Megs!

    • Megs says:

      Thank you! I love how God has used a lesson in appreciating tradition to teach me so much. If we look for Him in all of our traditions, the habit becomes simply to look for Him in all we do. Happy Thursday!!!

  16. mbethany says:

    What roots you give here for this simple concept! Thank you- this has me pondering some personal traditions and how meaningful they really are. Love it and thanks for sharing! #ThoughtProvokingThursday

  17. mbethany says:

    What roots you give here for this simple concept! Thank you- this has me pondering some personal traditions and how meaningful they really are. Love it and thanks for sharing! #ThoughtProvokingThursday

  18. There is something about the intimacy of a small town that intrigues me Meg. I have never really lived in a small town. i must admit when my sister and her family lived in one and I would visit, there was something about the tranquility of being awakened by the distant crows of a rooster! Our family holds close to traditions and as I get older, i cherish them even more. I thank God for the “stability” that He provides in my life. Because no matter what, I know I can count on Him! With my foundation being in Christ, I just need to Be still like you said and trust him completely. I love reading what you have to share. I am challenged to stop and think about the blessings of my Savior! Thanks for sharing what God reveals to you. Have a wonderful weekend and blessings to you and yours!

    • Megs says:

      Thank you for your kind words and for stopping by! I’m so glad the words He gave me stirred your heart. Blessings and happiness to you! Happy Thursday!!!

  19. There is something about the intimacy of a small town that intrigues me Meg. I have never really lived in a small town. i must admit when my sister and her family lived in one and I would visit, there was something about the tranquility of being awakened by the distant crows of a rooster! Our family holds close to traditions and as I get older, i cherish them even more. I thank God for the “stability” that He provides in my life. Because no matter what, I know I can count on Him! With my foundation being in Christ, I just need to Be still like you said and trust him completely. I love reading what you have to share. I am challenged to stop and think about the blessings of my Savior! Thanks for sharing what God reveals to you. Have a wonderful weekend and blessings to you and yours!

    • Megs says:

      Thank you for your kind words and for stopping by! I’m so glad the words He gave me stirred your heart. Blessings and happiness to you! Happy Thursday!!!

  20. I love how you include concepts of both stability and triumph. I feel like the words are so different. When I think of stability, I think of something that never fails but that does not necessarily stand out, but I realize my perception is perhaps faulty. By never failing or wavering, we can have many triumphs.

  21. I love how you include concepts of both stability and triumph. I feel like the words are so different. When I think of stability, I think of something that never fails but that does not necessarily stand out, but I realize my perception is perhaps faulty. By never failing or wavering, we can have many triumphs.

  22. Lux G. says:

    Go, tigers!
    With these beautiful insights, you’ll surely enjoy summer and all season round. 🙂

  23. Hi Meg, I’m happy to have met you through #livefreethrusday linkup with Suzanne Eller. I loved the way you paired end of school year traditions with our faith being stable, resilient, confident, and triumphal!

  24. Hi Meg, I’m happy to have met you through #livefreethrusday linkup with Suzanne Eller. I loved the way you paired end of school year traditions with our faith being stable, resilient, confident, and triumphal!

  25. I’m trying to establish some myself. Happy Summer, beautiful Megs. Sure did miss reading your posts. <3 Have a blessed week!

    • Megs says:

      Thank you!!! Cherishing every minute with my home for the summer littles …and this CAVS championship! It’s a great day for my hometown city! #believeland …you better believe the words are flowing! Praying for time to polish and publish! Happy Summer!!!

  26. I’m trying to establish some myself. Happy Summer, beautiful Megs. Sure did miss reading your posts. <3 Have a blessed week!

    • Megs says:

      Thank you!!! Cherishing every minute with my home for the summer littles …and this CAVS championship! It’s a great day for my hometown city! #believeland …you better believe the words are flowing! Praying for time to polish and publish! Happy Summer!!!