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May #jammed: Growing Grace. Day 133:Unneeded. “Do not withhold discipline from children.” Proverbs 23:13 (VOICE) They are still a permanent part of my pen holder. During a season riddled with health issues, I obtained a set of reading glasses to correct odd headaches. Looking at a screen through different lenses didn’t cure me like it had […]
May #jammed: Growing Grace. Day 131: More to the story. “Do not move an ancient boundary stone…”Proverbs 23:10 (NIV) “I found one! I found one!” my littles screeched in delight. Dozens of perfect sandollars. So fragile that they are hard to find in one piece, that day we managed to fill buckets full after the stormy […]
May #jammed: Growing Grace. Day 130: It’s easier on us. “Don’t waste your breath on fools, for they will despise the wisest advice.” Proverbs 23:9 (VOICE) Red and raw and dripping out incessantly over every sleeve, meal, and keyboard strike …my nose pulled the day’s productivity to halt. Out of tissues and onto toilet paper and […]
May #jammed: Growing Grace. Day 129: Invisible. “Don’t eat with people who are stingy…” Proverbs 23:6(NLT) The first lesson competition dance taught me, besides sticker shock, was fake eye-lash application. It’s a lot more intimidating than it looks, and far easier than waving a mascara wand at a moving …flinching object. Still, the mistakes at the […]
May #jammed: Growing Grace. Day 127: Visit often. “Take a moment to think about who you are with and what you are doing.” Proverbs 23:1 (VOICE) Her face lit up and her legs broke out of line. Down the hallway she flew and into my arms. On the days that my over-tasked tendencies give way to down time, […]
May #jammed: Growing Grace. Day 126: Keep traveling. “And as for those who are skilled in their work, they will be recognized and invited to serve kings rather than regular folk.” Proverbs 22:29 (VOICE) The soundtrack of two school-days played back at once, as we drove down the familiar stretch of highway. Leftovers from lunch wafted through the […]
May #jammed: Growing Grace. Day 125: Sparkling. “Do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your ancestors.” Proverbs 22:28 “Let’s read under the twinkle lights, mommy,” my daughter often asks. At bedtime, we sit underneath a fairy wonderland of flowers and toole, sparkles and twinkle lights …and we read His word. Through her VeggieTales […]
May #jammed: Growing Grace. Day 124: The right amount of time. “Don’t gamble on the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow…” Proverbs 22:26 (MSG) “I want …I want …I want. Can we …can we …can we? Why not …why not …why not?” …the joyous hymn of shopping with kids. Raising kids to be fiscally responsible […]