Relevant Biblical Truth
for everyday life

Meg's Blog

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December #jammed: Grace, gifted. Day 345: Graceful conversations. “Do not drive your children mad, but nurture them in the discipline and teaching that come from the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4 (VOICE) “Do you understand me?” I repeated as we rounded the elementary school drop-off curve.  In a rush to get to the part where she smiled and hugged […]

The Drop-off (#jammed daily devo, day 345)

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December #jammed: Grace, gifted. Day 343: Grace floats. “Look at the birds of the air …” Matthew 6:26a “Bloop…” Down went a loon, in search of a meal or maybe just respite from the wind that day.  Moments later … “Bloop,” it popped up beside me again as I hastily walked down the pier with my crazy doodle […]

The Buoyant Worries (#jammed daily devo, day 343)

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December #jammed: Grace, gifted. Day 342: Counting down.. Teach us to number our days     so that we may truly live and achieve wisdom. Psalm 90:12 “The counter downer!” They shrieked, “THE COUNTER DOWNER …THE CHRISTMAS COUNTER DOWNER!!!!” When we open that first box in December, it seems like it will take an eternity to get to […]

The Tiny Windows (#jammed daily devo, day 342)

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December #jammed: Grace, gifted. Day 341: Knowing Grace. “These are just the beginning of all that he does,     merely a whisper of his power.” Job 26:14a “Mom,” my younger daughter asked, “can you read these directions to me?” No, don’t think it’s cute. Kid can read. It’s not cute anymore …now, it’s laziness. “You know how to […]

December #jammed: Grace, gifted. Day 339: Caked in Grace. “Abraham and David were linked with 14 generations, 14 generations link David to the Babylonian exile, and 14 more take us from the exile to the birth of the Anointed.” Matthew 1:17 (VOICE) “Happy Birthday to You, “ we all sang traditionally, “Happy Birthday to You!” “Happy […]

The Jesus Cake (#jammed daily devo, day 339)

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December #jammed: Grace, gifted. Day 338: The Real Meaning, Reeled in. “My soul lifts up the Lord! My spirit celebrates my God, my Liberator!” Luke 1:46-47 (VOICE) Moms start celebrating their babies as soon as they know a little seed has sprouted life inside of their womb. Sometimes, it happens even sooner than that! Nurseries are decorated […]

The Milestone Ornaments (#jammed daily devo, day 338)

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December #jammed: Grace …gifted. Day 337 Hear them here. “No word from God will ever fail.” Luke 1:37  “Ring, ring, ring …ring, ring …ring, ring, ring …” came the sound of elf slippers.  They jingled their Christmas magic all throughout the house, reminding every ear what season it was. There will be a day, coming way […]

December #jammed: Grace …Gifted. Day 336: Be Quiet. “If only I knew where to find him;     if only I could go to his dwelling!” Job 23:3 (NIV) With every bullying prevention week that goes by, we’re all reminded of how cruel kids can be. It seems to be getting worse and worse. Tender hearts are broken everyday […]

The Friendly Chatter (#jammed daily devotion, day 336)

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