Relevant Biblical Truth
for everyday life

Meg's Blog

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April #jammed: Grace Studies. Day 118: Add a little more. “ It makes no difference to me (or to God for that matter) if people have power or influence. ” Galations 2:8 Brilliance beholds us when we discover that instead of fighting with a curling iron and a six-year old, we can simply buy extra hair that is already […]

The Extra Hair (#jammed daily devo, day 118)

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“Would you like to get well?” John 5:6b (NLT) Sweating down the sidewalk past lunchtime, calvary of whiners in tow, I tried to focus on the petunias lining the lakefront streets. Aggravated by the lack of parental response, foot stomping and arm tugging ensued. The shrill demand escalated to a bossy holler each time my […]

The Puppy Principle (#recall12 series)

Christian Living

 “The end of a matter is better than its beginning,     and patience is better than pride.” Even those who can’t hear can feel when the beat of a song is off, and it doesn’t take a medical professional to notice the skipped beat of a heart …but that’s just what happened to Julie Manning, as she […]

The Beats & The Books.

Christian Living

The Holy Spirit ignites within the moment we believe in Christ, opening our eyes and ears to interpret God’s living Word. Prayer is like a flash drive containing the situational solutions to all of our problems. It’s useful to save a few key life verses on it, which is exactly what we’re doing here in the #recall12 series. In our struggle to find […]

Tears quickly collected in the brim of my girl’s eyes as disappointment sunk into her heart. Whether eight or eighty-eight, the sting of discouragement stinks. “If you feel you should be included, ask …” I encouraged, and handed her my phone. It’s the tiny bits of fear that need to be squashed before they have […]

The Fear Fight.

Christian Living

“I’m weird,” my girl sighed. “I don’t always feel like I fit in here.” I launched into the infamous “God made you perfect” speech through a lump in my throat …but I knew very well it wouldn’t single-handedly cure the eight-year-old aches. “It’s OK, Mom…I’m weird,” she continued, “it’s a good weird.” My daughter has the same potential […]

The Intentional Compliment

Christian Living

The screech was ear piercing, and my limbs were too slow to react to what I saw. Little limbs flew over handlebars, and skidded to a stop on the concrete. Tears streamed and knees bled. I scooped my baby up to the tune of my quickly abandoned bike crashing to the ground.  My breath paused […]

Failure to control my kids’ exposure scares me, and lending it’s parameters up to the One who’s wise to the legit limit is the only way I manage to keep the wall up. The waxing and waning of what I’m supposed to hold to and let go of perplexes my parental instincts. Many voices weigh […]

The Blue Table

Christian Living