Relevant Biblical Truth
for everyday life

Meg's Blog

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“Mom,” my seven-year-old began, “someone called me weird.” The most precious pieces of my daughter’s heart fly gumptiously out of her mouth during our four weekly commutes to her dance studio. While the surge of adrenaline lingers alongside the remains of stale french fries and the screech of singing cats, she reveals the day’s truth. […]

The Weird One

the latest

The morning drop off. There is not a cup of coffee in the world strong enough to guarantee that my nerves aren’t at least mildly fried by the time I kiss my sweethearts good-bye for the day at 8:45am. The last minute rush, even though my two girls have been awake for an hour and […]

The Flashcards


“Mom….” my youngest whined painfully towards me, mouth half-open revealing what she was trying to chew, “I can’t swallow this.” Dinner is always a chore…an event…an endurance activity for parents and kids everywhere…at least at my house.  Finally, my daughters four and six, I have been able to come up with a list of meals […]

The Chewy Bite


“Mom….” my youngest whined painfully towards me, mouth half-open revealing what she was trying to chew, “I can’t swallow this.” Dinner is always a chore…an event…an endurance activity for parents and kids everywhere…at least at my house.  Finally, my daughters four and six, I have been able to come up with a list of meals […]

Lo Lo.  Not to be outdone…ever. My dad knew that Chucks for Christmas would be a hit.  Pink high tops for her older sister, and purple lows for “the Lo’s.”  They see Papa wearing his Chucks all the time…and their Aunt Colleen…and Uncle Michael….  My oldest had a baby pair of pink ones, and still […]

The Chucks.


The word “No” is an immediate reminder to all parents why not to rush your children to talk.  We anticipate that moment something fierce, don’t we?  The first time I heard my sweet little girls talk it brought tears to my eyes.  Just recalling those moments sends them rushing back to fill up my eyes […]

The No’s.


Waking kids up in the morning is a pain in the you-know-what.

Cute picture, right?  She has a dream, alright.  My daughter, Brianne, has talked about being a zoo doctor ever since she could…well, talk.  Now, she’s gone from just talking about it to writing it down….herself.  One step closer. As a parent, I become all-consumed, at times, in trying to make sure my daughter does everything, […]

The Homework
