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Meg's Blog

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August #jammed: Reflecting on Grace. Day 221: Spare wheels “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21  Eighteen wheelers are scary to pass. Ever since I was sixteen, I have cringed rolling past one on the highway. It’s all those shredded tires on the side of the road that remind me that […]

The Eighteen Wheels (#jammed daily devo, day 221)

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August #jammed: Reflecting on Grace. Day 219: Right there. “No one is righteous—not even one.  There is no one who understands the truth;  no one is seeking after the one True God.  All have turned away; together they’ve become worthless.  No one does good, not even one.” Romans 3:10-12 (VOICE) They were back. Those early birds that chirp in the […]

The Window Birds (#jammed daily devo, day 219)

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August #jammed: Reflecting on Grace. Day 218: Purposed differently. “Even though no one (except Jesus) owns me, I have become a slave by my own free will to everyone in hopes that I would gather more believers.” 1Corinthians 9:19 (VOICE)  In the North, we associate gloves with the cold weather …which may sometimes last from fall to summer …go away for a few weeks […]

The Summer Gloves (#jammed daily devo, day 218)

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August #jammed: Reflecting on Grace. Day 217: Know when not to listen. “But you must be careful so that your freedom does not cause others with a weaker conscience to stumble.” 1 Corinthians 8:9 Why did I do that? I know better. That was embarrassing. When will I ever learn? We’ve all been there, and most of […]

August #jammed: Reflecting on Grace. Day 216: Home is home. “Think of us as servants who are owned by Christ. It is our job to share the secrets of God.” 1 Corinthians 4:1 (NLV) They are finally old enough to read Harry Potter, and I am loving it. The books came out when I was in college, […]

The First Years (#jammed daily devo, day 216)

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August #jammed: Reflecting on Grace. Day 215: Push the right button. “Of all the wild creatures the Eternal God had created, the serpent was the craftiest. Serpent (to the woman): Is it true that God has forbidden you to eat fruits from the trees of the garden?” Genesis 3:1 (VOICE) He’s been spinning this tune since the beginning of time. “Did […]

The Switchboard (#jammed daily devo, day 215)

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August #jammed: Reflecting on Grace. Day 214: Super Clean. “I don’t understand why you spend your money for things that don’t nourish  or work so hard for what leaves you empty.  Attend to Me and eat what is good; enjoy the richest, most delectable of things.” Isaiah 55:2 (VOICE) “What are you doing?” I asked my daughter, after she […]

August #jammed: Reflecting on Grace. Day 213: Turn it up. “The Spirit then led Jesus into the desert to be tempted by the devil.” Matthew 4:1 “Here.” …and they handed me a microphone. “You might want to say something between songs …” one of the leaders suggested. Really, God? I remember thinking. This is not what I signed up […]

The Amplifier (#jammed daily devo, day 213)

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