Relevant Biblical Truth
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Meg's Blog

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September #jammed: Free Grace. Day 258: Assured. “ Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 3:13 “Three 100%’s!” My daughter slammed her folder on the counter triumphantly.  “That’s three prizes!” Though the reward system set in place seems to help encourage their best work in school […]

The Assurance (#jammed daily devo, day 258)

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September #jammed: Free Grace. Day 256: Grace in time. “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 “I can’t tell time,” my nine-year-old stated.  She typically doesn’t have study much at all to maintain straight A’s. So, when she runs into something that doesn’t come naturally, she’s not sure how to swim through the effort it […]

The Times (#jammed daily devo, day 256)

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September #jammed: Free Grace. Day 255: Wait on grace. “When these events were completed, Jesus led His followers to Jerusalem where they would celebrate a Jewish feast together.” John 5:1 This verse in John 5 sparks a string of miracles and hallmark statements in Jesus’ time on earth. Every step he took was purposeful. Each conversation rich with godly […]

The Planner (#jammed daily devo, day 255)

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September #jammed: Free Grace. Day 254: Grace finds what’s been cast aside. “ Jesus heard what had happened and sought out the man.” John 9:35 “Did the wind do that or did you do that?” I asked my daughter and her friend. “We did that,” she said, “we’re building a fort.” “You know you have a fort that’s already […]

September #jammed: Free Grace. Day 252: Can you hear it? “ If I speak the truth, why don’t you believe Me?” John 8:47 Raising kids can make us feel really smart on some days, and not so smart on others. Sometimes they look at us as if they really want to believe what we have to say …they really […]

The Audible Voice (#jammed daily devo, day 252)

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September #jammed: Free Grace. Day 251: Honest grace. “ If you hear My voice and abide in My word, you are truly My disciples; you will know the truth, and that truth will give you freedom.” John 8:31-32  Anyone with children can relate to the desire for access to a lie-dectector. The look of bewilderment becomes them when we […]

The Lie Detector (#jammed daily devo, day 251)

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September #jammed: Free Grace. Day 250: First words. “This was all set up as a test for Jesus; His answers would give them grounds to accuse Him of crimes against Moses’ law. Jesus bent over and wrote something in the dirt with His finger.” John 8:6 (VOICE) “Let’s draw on the driveway!!!” my littles yelled. Rainbows and […]

September #jammed: Free Grace. Day 249: Keep asking. “In the crowd, there were many in whom faith was taking hold.” John 7:31 (VOICE) crowd-a large number of persons gathered closely together. Sunday Church revives my soul. Standing in praise, singing with hundreds of other voices to the same tune, swaying in worship to the one true […]

The Questions (#jammed daily devo, day 249)

jammed daily devo