Christian Living

The 5 Fights Before 9.

February 4, 2016

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Hi! I'm Meg! It's great to meet you! Let's unlock the joy to found in everyday life, together! 

Meet Meg

Fight the fall into fear, failure, and doubt by giving up guilt in exchange for grace; fetching forgiveness for faults.


I have kids. If I want to entertain the notion of a “quiet” time before the chaos erupts, my alarm can only beep a maximum number of three times. In the dark of dawn, I silence the beep and gently shut my bedroom door so that my teeny tiny sleepyheads aren’t awoken by the tap of my toothbrush. Like 007, I swiftly breeze back out the door, shutting it to mute the snores echoing off the walls. I pad lightly down the stairs in my slippers, begging my bones not to crack until I reach the kitchen. My quiet little Keurig whirs on and steams my morning coffee, and I carefully stir the swirl of my fancy dark chocolate syrup and coconut milk with a plastic spoon to avoid cup clinks. Then, I meander to my place of morning bliss, steaming warmth hugging my hands.

I really do feel like I’ve accomplished a mission when I sit down at my desk…and crack open the Word for an instructional day-prep. Ah…the five minutes before the five fights before nine…are so glorious.

imageOnce the first piece of light cracks the dark open, little feet make passes down the stairs in competition for my lap. This particular morning, my daughters came down convinced that I did not have enough love to cuddle them both at the same time, and the jabbing began. Fight one…mom’s attention.
Morning cuddles met, they trudged back up the stairs to get dressed, and fight number two ensued…the headband.

“No, Lauren!” Her sister snapped.

“That’s my headband and your not wearing it today!!!”

“But it matches perfect…” Lauren wailed, and I could hear the snap back of the headband as it was forcefully removed from her head.

Making time back down the stairs to tattle, I pointed her directly back up, “I’m sorry, Lauren, it’s Brianne’s headband.” I hollered up the stairs over little sister’s stomping, “Brianne, you could have handled that a little nicer…”

Instead of tagging in to engage in the morning, I let my eyes remain glued to my screen, and ears peeled in awareness of the sharp murmured tones coming from the bathroom again. Even though I couldn’t make out he words, I knew Brianne was giving her sister an unnecessary lesson in sass, and taking a few elbow jabs in return.  image

“Lauren, I’m getting ready for work, you can’t come in here,” I heard my husband holler from our bathroom.

Toothbrush and hijacked toothpaste in hand, Lauren’s brisk steps flew across my desk and into the downstairs bathroom, peering over her shoulder and whipping the door closed before her older sister could catch her. Fight number three…tooth-brushing. “LAUREN…BRIANNE…” I commanded them both to my desk and then back upstairs to brush their teeth in their own toothpaste-globbed sink.

I drifted up and out of my sacred morning space of serenity to feed children breakfast and pack lunches. To buy me five minutes to get dressed without curiosity imploding in the kitchen, I dished out a practice math quiz and some sight words. Two minutes in, a math quiz emergency busted into my bathroom. Fight number four…even if dad did print out the answers to the math quiz by mistake…don’t bust in on mom in the bathroom to unveil the tragedy.

By the time it was time to leave for school, I mechanically shut down fight number five and all of its “my-winter-coat-is-too-hot-it-makes-me-too-sweaty-on-recess” grandeur before it could even grow legs.

“Brianne, here’s a tip,” I started, “anytime you ever ask me anything with that facial expression and that tone…it’s an automatic no…I don’t even know where you’re head’s at…”

I can see the look on her face still, the utter shock that she had been de-worded and denied before the first syllable passed her lips. Down went fight number five…I don’t want to wear my winter coat.

Seat-belts buckled to sound the final lap of the morning mile, with spelling word drills and hugs and smooches and cuddles and car dance parties, while they wait for their turn to hop out of my car and into the school hallway full of friends. My early morning prayers for their safety at school rushed to the top of my mind as I drove off, welled up, and wallowed in a sea of guilt for nagging them through the morning.

imageIt’s frustrating to lose fights with my feelings while the Bible is still sitting open on my desk. I’ve been making myself feel gullibly guilty for that lately…and for the general lack of measuring up to the state of “holy” that I feel I should be maturing to at this point in my life.

As I walked back into the quiet house, I noticed Brianne’s blanket lying on the floor underneath my desk. She’s had “Fuzzy Wuzzy” since the day she was born. Although she’s growing up and out of the blankly stage now, she still sleeps with it every night and drags it with her to snuggle in my lap each morning. This particular morning, she brought her little pink and purple princess Bible along with it…and a highlighter…and sticky notes. We both had so much fun as she asked me for verses and felt so accomplished as she found and highlighted them. In the chaos of fight number one, no one noticed “Fuzzy Wuzzy” had fallen to the floor.

She really is growing up…and picking up, His Word. Wow. Here I was putting myself imagethrough the guillotine of guilt, over things I can’t change about how we all are in the morning…and overlooking the grace of God to take my one small act of obedience and answer my own prayer with it.

“Please, let my daughters hear your call early in life.”

Seven years old, and her search has begun.

“I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the Saints, and His incomparably great power for us who believe.” Ephesians 1:18-19

“The eyes of your heart…” I looked up the verse at BibleGateway and clicked “Study This,” to discover through The Dictionary of Bible Themes that “eyes” are a much bigger anomaly than I had ever pondered before.


Falling at the feet of Jesus with my faults is healthy, but getting up with the guilt and imagewalking off with it is not. From now on, I want to see the blanket dropped in the corner instead of the gasket I blew over fight number five. Through prayer and persistence, I choose to see a more positive perspective. Perhaps you’ll want to join me…and pass some peace around.

1. See what you want to see. Fight for the light. It’s everywhere. The sun comes up everyday, and streetlights dim-out even in overcast skies. Gaze at God’s creation. Glance at His Word. Start your day there. There’s something in this world that you would mourn over if lost…if your at a loss…start by saying, “Thank you” for whatever or whoever that is. Start to see…

“The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.” Psalm 19:7-8

2. Look for the Lesson. Watch for what God’s showing you.

“For it is by grace that you are saved through faith; it came not through your own striving but it is the gift of God. Not because of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

This is where a lot of people confuse religion and holiness. Holiness is pursing a change of heart inspired by a relationship with Jesus through God’s free gift of grace. The lessons are laced in His Word and our prayers. No one person can know your heart like you do and God does. You have to work holiness out with Him. Come to Him in authenticity, and look for Him to guide you personally. As you see Him, you’ll seek more.

3. Lift your eyes. Tilt your head back. Pray. Ask. Seek. God is faithful and good.

“The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right; his ears are open to their cries for help.” Psalm 34:15

He hears you, He’s with you… so talk to Him. Jesus is our lifeline to the Father, our gift of grace and forgiveness. I am learning that to pursue a life of holiness I also need to receive the gift of grace that was so freely shed in blood for me on the cross, and fetch the forgiveness that has been thrown up for me to grab.


imageGive up the guilt. Replace it with grace. Take off your pretty shoes and wiggle your dirty toes. Be you and follow Him. He is faithful. Fight for Him.

Happy Fighting,



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  1. DoAheadWoman says:

    I LOVED this! My peeps are nearly grown (late high school and college) but oh my—I could relate! Truth is I’m still fighting for the light. The battle field simply changed. But Oh how faithful He is. I can testify that holiness is one inhalation away. Adult children that are testing their faith…making sure it’s their own can leave a Mama holding her breath. The faithful One teaches me to breathe, trust and believe. The fight changes but I suspect it never ends. I’m OK with that because our leader is fierce. Blessed by your words today friend! (Your “neighbor” at #livefree.)

    • Meg Bucher says:

      Hi neighbor! So happy to share space with you today!!!! “Breathe, trust, and believe!” And you did not just say “peeps!” You’re speaking my language, gal!!! My heart aches at the thought of my daughters being adults! Ah!! I’ll truly only survive that with the good Lord at my side!!! He is fierce. Well said.
      Happy Thursday!!!!

  2. DoAheadWoman says:

    I LOVED this! My peeps are nearly grown (late high school and college) but oh my—I could relate! Truth is I’m still fighting for the light. The battle field simply changed. But Oh how faithful He is. I can testify that holiness is one inhalation away. Adult children that are testing their faith…making sure it’s their own can leave a Mama holding her breath. The faithful One teaches me to breathe, trust and believe. The fight changes but I suspect it never ends. I’m OK with that because our leader is fierce. Blessed by your words today friend! (Your “neighbor” at #livefree.)

    • Meg Bucher says:

      Hi neighbor! So happy to share space with you today!!!! “Breathe, trust, and believe!” And you did not just say “peeps!” You’re speaking my language, gal!!! My heart aches at the thought of my daughters being adults! Ah!! I’ll truly only survive that with the good Lord at my side!!! He is fierce. Well said.
      Happy Thursday!!!!

  3. betsydecruz says:

    Good morning, Meg! So glad to visit your blog! (Love that Thessalonians verse, “Be joyful always!” Thanks for sharing a slice of your morning with us. All of us moms CAN RELATE. I’ve been memorizing that Ephesians 1 verse. Thanks for that insight you shared. And HOW WONDERFUL that your daughter is opening up God’s Word. Priceless. Well-done, Mama.

  4. Love this–and can totally relate (my post today is similar in some ways!). Thanks for this and for these practical reminders!

  5. Love this–and can totally relate (my post today is similar in some ways!). Thanks for this and for these practical reminders!

  6. Julia Putzke says:

    “Come to Him in authenticity, and look for Him to guide you personally. As you see Him, you’ll seek more.”

    This. I’m going to have write that down.

    And you keep on writing ❤️ thank you for encouraging me yet again ☺️

  7. Julia Putzke says:

    “Come to Him in authenticity, and look for Him to guide you personally. As you see Him, you’ll seek more.”

    This. I’m going to have write that down.

    And you keep on writing ❤️ thank you for encouraging me yet again ☺️

  8. Meg,
    Welcome to Thought-Provoking Thursday! it’s so lovely to “meet you” and get a peek at your morning routine today! I loved reading your words here and look forward to more in the weeks ahead.

    • Meg Bucher says:

      Lyli, thanks for visiting!!!! And I love your name! It’s beautiful!
      I’m so glad I discovered you and your link up today!!! Totally awesome! Blessed to be a part!
      Happy Thursday!!!!!

  9. Meg,
    Welcome to Thought-Provoking Thursday! it’s so lovely to “meet you” and get a peek at your morning routine today! I loved reading your words here and look forward to more in the weeks ahead.

    • Meg Bucher says:

      Lyli, thanks for visiting!!!! And I love your name! It’s beautiful!
      I’m so glad I discovered you and your link up today!!! Totally awesome! Blessed to be a part!
      Happy Thursday!!!!!

  10. Angie Baer says:

    As a new stepmom, sometimes I can feel a bit overwhelmed with the morning routine because it is so outside what I am used to. Thank goodness for my hubby. But like this week- he is gone for work and I’ve had to deal with all of what you described above, and I fight to find 5 minutes. And I want to pull my hair out… but then we are finally in the car and I focus on their giggles and before I know it, their giggles are like a soothing balm and I have to smile. I loved this “Through prayer and persistence, I choose to see a more positive perspective. Perhaps you’ll want to join me…and pass some peace around”. I will definitely be more intent about this. Thank you for sharing this perspective of the morning chaos. I really needed it today. Thank you also for stopping by!

    Maria B (Fit Magnolia)

    • Meg Bucher says:

      You are so welcome! And likewise! Thanks for taking the time to visit and leave encouragement. It’s that kind of a cycle that us mom as survive on some days!
      Happy Monday!!

  11. Angie Baer says:

    As a new stepmom, sometimes I can feel a bit overwhelmed with the morning routine because it is so outside what I am used to. Thank goodness for my hubby. But like this week- he is gone for work and I’ve had to deal with all of what you described above, and I fight to find 5 minutes. And I want to pull my hair out… but then we are finally in the car and I focus on their giggles and before I know it, their giggles are like a soothing balm and I have to smile. I loved this “Through prayer and persistence, I choose to see a more positive perspective. Perhaps you’ll want to join me…and pass some peace around”. I will definitely be more intent about this. Thank you for sharing this perspective of the morning chaos. I really needed it today. Thank you also for stopping by!

    Maria B (Fit Magnolia)

    • Meg Bucher says:

      You are so welcome! And likewise! Thanks for taking the time to visit and leave encouragement. It’s that kind of a cycle that us mom as survive on some days!
      Happy Monday!!

  12. blog8628 says:

    The struggle is REAL! You made my heart race, just reading about your morning, but OH how I can relate! Beautiful message! Thanks!!

  13. blog8628 says:

    The struggle is REAL! You made my heart race, just reading about your morning, but OH how I can relate! Beautiful message! Thanks!!

  14. Fight for the light! Yes! Thank you for linking up to Open Mic Monday for the soul, sweet Megs! Have a stellar week. This reminds me of a song we sang in Spanish as little kids. Translated it goes, “Jesus, on the mainline. Tell ’em what you want. Jesus on the mainline, tell ’em what you want…” Thanks for taking me back there. xoxo

  15. Fight for the light! Yes! Thank you for linking up to Open Mic Monday for the soul, sweet Megs! Have a stellar week. This reminds me of a song we sang in Spanish as little kids. Translated it goes, “Jesus, on the mainline. Tell ’em what you want. Jesus on the mainline, tell ’em what you want…” Thanks for taking me back there. xoxo

  16. I so enjoyed this! Mornings can be so chaotic and sometimes you don’t notice the awesome moments in the midst of it all. Give yourself some grace-I know Someone who already does! Blessings!

  17. I so enjoyed this! Mornings can be so chaotic and sometimes you don’t notice the awesome moments in the midst of it all. Give yourself some grace-I know Someone who already does! Blessings!

  18. Rachel says:

    Oh my… so I am visiting from the raralink up today and God put me right next to you for a reason!! “Be You” has been a reoccurring theme for me lately, and this whole sentence was spoke from God to me right through you, “Give up the guilt. Replace it with grace. Take off your pretty shoes and wiggle your dirty toes. Be you and follow Him. He is faithful. Fight for Him.”

    Thank you so so much for being faithful and writing for Him!! <3

    • Meg Bucher says:

      Thank you for visiting, Rachel! I’m right there with you, repeating what I wrote to myself! I love how God uses the lessons He is teaching me to bring others alongside, too. So super awesome cool!
      Happy Tuesday!!!

  19. Rachel says:

    Oh my… so I am visiting from the raralink up today and God put me right next to you for a reason!! “Be You” has been a reoccurring theme for me lately, and this whole sentence was spoke from God to me right through you, “Give up the guilt. Replace it with grace. Take off your pretty shoes and wiggle your dirty toes. Be you and follow Him. He is faithful. Fight for Him.”

    Thank you so so much for being faithful and writing for Him!! <3

    • Meg Bucher says:

      Thank you for visiting, Rachel! I’m right there with you, repeating what I wrote to myself! I love how God uses the lessons He is teaching me to bring others alongside, too. So super awesome cool!
      Happy Tuesday!!!

  20. debbieputman says:

    Meg, This–my sacred morning space of serenity–beautiful words for a beautiful time.

  21. debbieputman says:

    Meg, This–my sacred morning space of serenity–beautiful words for a beautiful time.

  22. lynnjsimpson says:

    I heard a speaker say recently, “Find the beautiful and perfect in everything.” Your post reminds me too, to continue to see God in all things. Thank you. Absolutely love the photos and verses you chose.

  23. lynnjsimpson says:

    I heard a speaker say recently, “Find the beautiful and perfect in everything.” Your post reminds me too, to continue to see God in all things. Thank you. Absolutely love the photos and verses you chose.