Relevant Biblical Truth
for everyday life

Meg's Blog

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June #jammed: Under the Blanket of Grace. Day 157: Magical Grace Dust. “Jesus:  If you want to do God’s work, then believe in the One He sent.” John 6:29 We waited and waited, and I felt like I was going to evaporate in the hot Florida sun beating against the blacktop as I saved my daughter’s […]

The Magic Dust (#jammed daily devo, day 157)

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June #jammed: Under the Blanket of Grace. Day 155: Grace Helps One …by One. “Keep being kind to those who waver in this faith.” Jude 22 (VOICE) There is a person God has laid upon my heart, that I’ve never met. Though I lack the details, I just know I’m supposed to pray into this recurring […]

The One I Want to Bring Back (#jammed daily devo, day 155)

jammed daily devo

June #jammed: Under the Blanket of Grace. Day 154: The Great Grace Witness. “But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15 A snap-chat hit my phone. NCAA records were being smashed, and pre-race nerves and anticipation were in the air. Technology allowed me to witness a little bit of […]

The Witness (#jammed daily devo, day 154)

jammed daily devo

June #jammed: Under the Blanket of Grace. Day 154: The Great Grace Witness. “But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15 A snap-chat hit my phone. NCAA records were being smashed, and pre-race nerves and anticipation were in the air. Technology allowed me to witness a little bit of […]

June #jammed: Under the Blanket of Grace. Day 153: Grace is always in tune. “We do not know what to do, but we are looking to you for help.”2 Chronicles 20:12b (NLT)   My Dad always sang along to the radio. Never the main melody, but the harmony. He found a different way to sing a song. Make […]

The Harmony (#jammed daily devo, day 153)

jammed daily devo

June #jammed: Under the Blanket of Grace. Day 152: Grace gives second chances. “The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God.” Ephesians 6:17 (VOICE) Oh, crap, she’s out there without a helmet on, again. “Lo! Put your helmet on!” I yelled out the window. Tucked back on a cul-de-sac, I never wore a bike […]

The Second-Chance Mom (#jammed daily devo, day 152)

jammed daily devo

June #jammed: Under the Blanket of Grace. Day 152: Grace gives second chances. “The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God.” Ephesians 6:17 (VOICE) Oh, crap, she’s out there without a helmet on, again. “Lo! Put your helmet on!” I yelled out the window. Tucked back on a cul-de-sac, I never wore a bike […]

May #jammed: Growing Grace. Day 151: Underestimated. “Fear God, dear child—respect your leaders;     don’t be defiant or mutinous. Without warning your life can turn upside down,     and who knows how or when it might happen?” Proverbs 24:21-22 (MSG) Bark to go out. Bark to come in. Bark. Bark. Growl. Bark. Menacing Growl … “Cherry,” I snapped …”that […]

The Mulch Holes (#jammed daily devo, day 151)

jammed daily devo